Payment methods & conditions
Payment method |
EU | Non EU | |||||
PayPal |
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PayPal Express |
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Credit Card Visa / Mastercard |
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American Express, Diners, Discover |
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Klarna |
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Credit card
You can pay us by credit card and debit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners, and Discover. Once your payment has been processed, your purchased items are reserved for you. For orders up to €500, your credit card will be charged immediately with the total amount. For orders over €500, your credit card will only be charged after your goods have been dispatched.
You can use the PayPal online payment service for orders worth up to 2,500 Euro. Pay simply, safely and quickly, with no additional costs for you. Your bank account or credit card information is only recorded by PayPal and you need only two clicks to pay because the recorded data is automatically linked to your order. For orders over €500, Kingplanters will only take the money from your account once the goods are dispatched. For an order value of up to €500, the money is taken immediately when you place your order.
For Norwegian customers, you can use Klarna as a payment option.